Monday, February 2, 2009

Network Marketing Is Not For Everyone.

Most Network Marketers, after joining a company, fly out the door to show the opportunity or "business" to every walking creature that will listen. Most are taught by their upline to make a list and attack it. And then there is the "3 Foot Rule". Where you should give a card or tape or talk to anyone and everyone within three feet of you. And after following these tactics, as their upline instructed, it gets old quick, with little results.

You see, Network Marketing just isn't for everyone. It takes a special breed to "work" Network Marketing or MLM. And its very rare that you will find upline to admit to the new recruit this fact. Most have at on time been approached by a friend or family member about joining a business. And most of those people just didn't make it, and probably COULDN'T make it for the simple fact that they got discouraged because everyone they talked to DIDN'T sign up. 97% of all Network Marketers will fail because of this, its a proven fact!

If you belong to a company, or if you're thinking about joining a Network Marketing or MLM, listen to what I have to say.
Not everyone will catch your vision. Not everyone wants what you want, nor will everyone share your dreams. Some people are totally happy with their situation and where they are in life. Some people are just happy with waking up at dawn and driving to work and making the pay they make. And yet others are just too scared of the thought of making a lot of money. These are facts that you MUST understand.

There is an old saying in Network Marketing....."Some will, some wont, so what". And that is the way you have to look at it. Don't let the fact that most of the people you will talk to WONT join you. Just move on to the next person, and from time to time you will find that one who totally catches the vision. These are the ones that understand it, want it, need it, and can see the possibilities of your company.

Personally, I stopped talking about my business to everyone I come in contact with. Actually, people approach ME about joining my business, and my downline is having the same thing happen to them. The methods that I teach my downline have nothing to do with chasing friends and family, or the "3 Foot Rule". I teach my downline how to have prospects come to them. And I also teach my down line that its OK to say no to some of those people who want to join with us. Believe me, there are some people you just don't want in your organization. So I tell people all the time that it is more important to have quality than quantity. When you start filling your downline with "quality" people who duplicate your success, the "quantity" will come, and the success is so much more the sweeter.

Please do yourself, your friends, and family members a favor and don't chase down everything with two legs thinking they will join you. You will waste your time and run off some good people in the process. Learn to listen to people's needs. Find out if they "qualify" to join you, then talk to them about what you can "offer" them as a solution to their problems. Learn to care about people instead of dollar signs and your success will grow. Just remember...."Some will, some wont, so what".

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about how to get prospects to come to you, eager to learn about your business, please shoot me an email. I'll be happy to help you.

Be safe, and have a great day!
Ray Davis

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